Mattawa Women’s Resource Centre
Our Mission
The Mattawa Women’s Resource Centre’s mission is to provide a safe and secure refuge for women who have been physically or emotionally assaulted, threatened, harassed, or otherwise in crisis through the implementation and maintenance of anti-racist, anti-oppression service delivery. The Centre works for prevention of violence against women and children. The Mattawa Women’s Resource is encouraged to be affiliated with the Ontario Association of interval and Transition Houses.
Our Vision
We wish to reinforce our community's identity, unite and celebrate Mattawa's diversity, and promote our commitment to a future of social responsibility and success by investing in our women, youth, and healthy families.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy and principles put the values of respect, empowerment and choice into practice. This involves an integrated approach which includes responding to social, legal, ethnographic-cultural, interpersonal, familial, and intra-psychic aspects of abuse. We believe that our ability to meet the diverse needs of women who use our services and to work effectively with all women committed to ending violence against women depends on our willingness, as individuals and as a shelter, to perceive and acknowledge our racism and change our behaviour.
The Mattawa Women’s Resource Centre is a ten bed emergency shelter
for all women, with or without children.
We offer support, information and referrals to any woman 16 years of age and older.
If you need help, please contact us today.