Programs Through the
Wrapped in Courage Campaign
Help Us End Violence Against Women
November is Woman Abuse Prevention Month. The purple scarf is a symbol of the courage it takes a woman to leave her abuser. However, the courage of the woman is not enough. It takes the support of an entire community to end violence against women.
This year, the Wrapped in Courage campaign is not selling purple scarves; we are mobilizing Violence Against Women (VAW) shelters across Ontario to remind everyone that now more than ever, violence continues to be the greatest inequality rights issue for women and girls. Throughout the month of November, we ask Ontarian’s to wear a Purple Scarf to show support for survivors who’ve had to endure gender-based violence in their homes, communities and workplaces. The purple scarf is a symbol of the courage it takes to seek support and safety from violence.
This program was created by the MWRC to inform and educate school aged children about the real truth behind indigenous residential schools and how they have impacted many generations.
Facts about Residential Schools